Refund Policy

All the products that Huina Construction Toys ship to customers are 100% authentic and manufactured by the official huina factory. If you received any product broken or damaged (It usually does not occur), you must contact us as soon possible upon arrival so that we can solve it. However, if you want a refund, you must return the item with a shipping tracking within 10 days after arrival. 

Conditions for Refund:

In order to be eligible for a refund, there are several conditions required to be fulfilled, note that refund is only possible in case of a fault(s). The most common conditions that a customer will get a refund are:

  1.     Cancelled Order before Shipment:

The first condition is that you need to cancel your order before the product is shipped to you. After the product is shipped, the second condition will be applicable.

  1.     Packed and Untouched Item:

If the item is shipped, customers are required to contact us as soon as possible if they want to return their products. Refund/return is still possible, if the package is sealed and things are not touched; customer’s  do not have to let the toy touch the ground, let it become dirty or damage the box the toy is packed in. Undamaged products need to be as new as sold upon arrival in order for a refund/return to work and customers must ship at their own expense. Once we receive the returned products and we notice the returned products is not as new as sold, no refund will be made.

      3.     Damaged item (This rarely happens):

If the item is broken upon arrival, you must contact us as soon as possible about it. We will either send you a replacement part for the broken parts or in worst situation we will replace your item or refund your money for you upon return. You must ship the item within 10 days after arrival otherwise THE REFUND WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. We do not cover shipping charges for returned product you must fully cover the charges yourself.

Please read FAQ for more information. 

Contact Us before Return:

If for any reason you have a problem with your order been delivered, you need to contact us before returning. The refund will not be made even if you return by yourself without contacting.

Contact Us

Are you a Customer and need some help? Huina Construction Toys Team is here for you.

If you are wondering about an Order, Product, or Our Website, Email us at or simply talk to our live chat agent available on our website.